The Seafooded Mongoose

Sunday, October 02, 2005

...and so it begins.

For the record, I'm not gay. Thus begins my girlfriend-suggested freewrite. I am planning to freewrite for an hour, to see where it gets me. Perhaps I will continue until my parents call me for dinner. It will probably also improve my typing skills.

It's a proven fact (proven, of course, by ME) that being on the computer wastes just as much time as it produces. Basically, its not much better than just using pencil or paper, because although its a great production tool, its also a horrible distraction.

For example, I just got an email and I am going to check it. I will be right back. Hmm, that's funny. Myspace is no longer working properly. Maybe that's just today.

Habits that I want to get in the habit of habiting:
1. Running or jogging every morning, before I go to school.
2. Writing a freewrite or Livejournal entry or Acting Journal entry every day.
3. Whenever I start something, finishing it right then and there, no matter what the distractions are.

3 applies especially to writing a college essay. I've been taking stabs at this monster for the past three weeks, and so far I have not struck gold. Close, but no cigar (how's that for a mixed metaphor?) Aaaah parenthesis! I hate figuring out where punctuation goes in relation to parenthesis! Is it metaphor?) or metaphor)? or metaphor?). or metaphor.)? !?!?!? It confuses me. Okay, its not that last one, Im pretty positive of that.

So Im really into this idea of web2.0... it seems like this is the general direction the world of technology, or perhaps, the entire world, is going right now. But I dont think that I could get a good essay out of it, at least not until I write about it more. Do you think I should start a blog? I mean, my LiveJournal hardly counts:

"Dear LiveJournal,
I had fun today, had tacos for the first time in three years. Pretty excited. Aren't you? Anyway, sorry I haven't posted in forever. Took this shitty online quiz which told me that my body was worth $40,000,000 on or something like that. I find that very uncomfortable. Is taht a good thing or a bad thing? Why do girls get higher cost amounts on that website? Why did I take this quiz?"

There's my grounds that Livejournal is not a blog. It's just random babblings, with not much of a point. I want to write something that people actually WANT to read. Especially people who don't know me. I want to make a NAME for myself on the internet.

Speaking of which, the Google ratings for my OA site really suck. is actually considered a "supplemental result" by google, and I honestly don't know how to react to this. Should I kick and scream, or grin and bear?

I've decided. Im creating a blog and posting this freewrite on it. And I wont be connecting my name in real life in ANY way to this blog so you all can suck it. Just kidding, didn't mean that.


  • You're right about technology. It can be a distraction. Haave fun with your free writing! It's a good idea! Good luck with your blog!

    By Blogger Steph, at 6:48 PM  

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